Monday 28 April 2014

LINE @ Hysan Place (28/4 - 4/6)

Cony, Brown, Moon, Sally and Boss, who Line characters are your favourite? Just 10 minutes walk from the hotel, you will be seeing all your Line friends at Hysan Place started from today until 4/6/2014. Does it make one more reason for you to visit Causeway Bay? Check out more:

又多一個理由黎銅鑼灣Shopping 啦!一眾Line好友將於今日至6月4日齊集距離酒店只有約10分鐘路程的希慎廣場同大家見面,作近距離接觸!兔兔、熊大、饅頭人,咁多款Line 既有趣角色你又最喜歡那一個呢?

photo credit: Line Hong Kong

#line #hysanplace #causewaybay #hotel #charterhousehk

Authentic Chinese delicacies "Pig's Feet (Trotters) with Ginger & Vinegar" 中國傳統美食「豬腳薑」


Do you know this authentic Chinese delicacies "Pig's Feet (Trotters) with Ginger & Vinegar" are good for health especially for woman with anti-aging function. Visit The Gazebo Restaurant and you will find this delicacies are served on buffet table at both lunch and dinner period.
Online reservations:

Wednesday 16 April 2014

The Charterhouse Causeway Bay raises donation for World Vision Hong Kong to support survivors from Philippines Typhoon Relief Operation

Super-typhoon Haiyan, reported by media as possibly the strongest tropical cyclone in recorded history, struck Central Philippines on 8 November 2013, resulting in massive destruction and casualties. Death toll has exceeded 2,000 and the UN estimates that some 11.5 million people have been affected with 1.7 million being children. Responding to the community need, The Charterhouse Causeway Bay hosted a donation activity and has raised an amount of HK$5,470 for the World Vision Hong Kong supporting its Philippines Typhoon Relief operation.

Mr. Bernard Rodrigues, General Manager of The Charterhouse Causeway Bay presented a cheque to World Vision Hong Kong, Ms Rilly Law, Corporate Relations Officer to help typhoon victims to rebuild their lives on 27 March 14.  Mr Rodrigues said: “The total amount of money we collected will be donated to the World Vision Hong Kong which is doing vital work to help the people of Philippines to get back on their feet.  As striving back to the community has always been our key mission, besides taking action for the critical affairs, we also run a meaningful long term program “Child Care Donation” with World Vision in the past two years, and more than HK$40,000 has been donated by hotel guests to support World Vision that help underprivileged children in more than 100 developing countries around the world.” 

The Charterhouse Causeway Bay is committed to building a harmonious community through actively involving in various social activities such as the regular donation to World Vision, UNICEF and many more.  We have also set up our corporate team to enhance our social participation through organizing and participating in a number of activities such as visiting the elderly and assisting the socially deprived people. 

銅鑼灣利景酒店捐贈善款予  香港宣明會支持菲律賓風災救援工作


銅鑼灣利景酒店總經理侯忠利先生於3月27日遞交一張價值HK$5,470的支票予香港宣明會企業關係主任羅稚潞女仕,以助菲律賓災民重建家園。侯忠利先生表示:「是次活動所籌得的善款將全數捐贈予香港宣明會,以幫助災民解決燃眉之急及協助未來重建工作。作為一個關懷社區的機構,除了因應​​不同地區的需要而舉辦慈善活動外,我們早於兩年前已成為香港宣明會成的長期合作夥伴,並一直支持“Child Care Donation” 活動並籌得逾四萬港元,幫助全球超過100個發展中國家的兒童。」


Tuesday 1 April 2014

The Charterhouse Causeway Bay receives Golden Award from Rakuten Travel – Japan’s Top Online Travel Site

Upon receiving the “Rising Star Award” and “Silver Award” in 2011 and 2012 respectively presented by Rakuten Travel, the Japan’s leading online travel portal, The Charterhouse Causeway Bay has once again been recognized and awarded “Golden Award” in 2013 for its outstanding business growth and high quality services.

Rakuten Travel, Inc., a subsidiary of Rakuten, operates Japan's largest online hotel reservation website.  Having access to more than 20,000 domestic and 15,000 international hotels, Rakuten Travel provides both leisure and business travelers a variety of accommodation choices to meet all kinds of travel needs.  Rakuten holds yearly award and there were 47,000 hotels around the world nominated for Diamond, Golden, and Silver Award.

"It is an honor to be recognized by Rakuten Travel with this Golden Award, which is based on a consistent high percentage on customer reviews and sales volumes.  It also serves as an important guide for Japanese travelers booking through Rakuten Travel website to us." says Mr Bernard Rodrigues, General Manager of The Charterhouse Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

   日本最大的網路線上訂房網站「樂天旅遊」每年均會依據各酒店線上訂房營業額及顧客滿意度調查,挑選出表現優異且評價最高的酒店,頒發樂天賞獎予以表揚。銅鑼灣利景酒店繼2011年獲得「Rising Star Award」及2012年得到「Silver Award」後,我們於2013年度再創造佳績勇奪Golden Award」,這反映了我們一直以來對提供優質服務的堅持得到住客的認同。

         樂天旅遊隸屬樂天的子公司,為日本最大的網上酒店預訂網站。擁有超過20,000日本當地及15,000國際酒店供旅客預訂,讓旅客在計劃行程住宿時更得心應手。樂天旅遊每年均會舉辦頒獎禮,並於47,000間酒店中選出Diamond AwardGolden Award及銀賞獎Silver Award等獎項,以表揚酒店於不同範疇中的卓越表現。

   銅鑼灣利景酒店總經理侯忠利表示:「我們十分榮幸得到樂天旅行公司頒發Golden Award,此獎項不但代表我們於樂天旅行網站持續得到客人對我們的支持,更是作為日本客人於選擇香港酒店的一個重要指標,我們將會繼續努力與樂天旅遊攜手合作,秉承一貫優越質素,致力為顧客帶來舒適難忘的住宿體驗。」