Friday 21 February 2014

The Charterhouse Causeway Bay Supports Foodlink Recycle Activities to Fight Hunger 銅鑼灣利景酒店支持「膳心連」 展開廚餘捐贈計劃

The Charterhouse Causeway Bay Supports Foodlink Recycle Activities to Fight Hunger

As part of our sustainability program, The Charterhouse Causeway Bay is pleased to announce our participation with Foodlink Foundation by donating surplus food to the charitable organizations in regular basis.
The Charterhouse Causeway Bay started its co-operation with Foodlink, a charity organization founded in 2009, with the mission to mitigate hunger, fight poverty and foster nutritional wellness by reducing food wastage in hotels and restaurants in Hong Kong.  As a partner, The Charterhouse Causeway Bay donates surplus food from buffet table and staff canteen regularly while Foodlink will organize and deliver the food to people in need. Through continuous collaborations since July 2013, we have donated approximately 580kg of surplus food and served an average of 1,000 meals to the needy.


Mr Bernard Rodrigues, the General Manager of The Charterhouse Causeway Bay, said, "We fully support the food recycle activities organized by Foodlink.  On one hand, this meaningful event can help the underprivileged in the society; on the other hand, it can help to remind the public to treasure food as well as to reduce food wastage.”

The Charterhouse Causeway Bay will continue its procedures to reduce food waste at the source by carrying out more accurate demand forecasts and different internal training program. Besides the hotel’s Green committee are all working continuously towards a more sustainable future by protecting and preserving natural resources and minimizing our impact on the environment.

Foodlink Foundation Limited

銅鑼灣利景酒店支持「膳心連」 展開廚餘捐贈計劃


「膳心連」 於2009 年成立,是一家非牟利組織,致力關注及改善社會上貧困及飢餓問題。 「膳心連」從酒店及餐飲店鋪收集的盈餘和捐贈,提供給庇護所及有需要人士,從而發展出一個可持續性的回收系統。作為「膳心連」的合作夥伴,酒店會定期收集來自餐廳自助餐及員工飯堂的廚餘,再捐贈予「膳心連」處理及將食物分配給社會上有需要人仕。自本年七月份到現在,酒店合共捐贈了約580公斤的食物,足以讓大約1,000人受惠。




Foodlink Foundation Limited

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